“Adventure is not outside man, it is within.”
― George Eliot / Mary Anne Evans
Some things you
need to know
Q: Isn't this just for kids?
A: Not at all! Though this is enjoyed by
some children, this type of interaction is
used by Millions of adults all over the
world, and the content is modified to
suit the target audience
Q: Is this "Dungeons and Dragons"?
A: No. Though Dungeons and Dragons is
a Roleplaying system, it is not the only
We use whichever system is best suited
for any particular group, and sometimes
that is D&D. However in many instances
we use our own proprietary system,
which was designed with certain
specific requirements in mind.
Q: Do I need to dress up?
A: Though the term roleplay is used in this
activity, the "Dress up" variety is called
Live Action Roleplay, and is not what
these sessions are about. Having said
that, if you would like to dress as your
character for a session, we would
certainly love to see your creation in the
Q: Is this difficult?
A: Not difficult but certainly challenging.
The point of these workshops are to
exercise your imagination and social
skills, and while these may take a little
time to get used to, they are ultimately
a lot of fun and the opportunity for
organic and dynamic development is
requently asked Questions

Q: Do I have to have previous experience?
A: Previous experience is not necessary at
all, though not unwelcome. All topics
will be explained by the workshops
facilitator and all scenarios will be
guided to prevent players feeling
Q: Can I do this with my kids?
A: Absolutely! This is a great opportunity
for a bit of roleplay, and perhaps role
reversal between siblings and parents
who want to explore complicated
issues in a non-threatening way, to have
fun, or both
Q: How long do the sessions last?
A: There are generally no time limits set to
a session, though 3 hours seems to be a
good place to end a session. This may
seem like a long time but due to the
nature of the workshop, these sessions
fly by with most participants asking for
the session to continue, or for follow up
Q: Do I need any equipment?
A: All equipment is provided by the
Facilitator as well as anything you might
keep after the session, though if you
wish you may purchase your own
polyhedral dice for use in the session.
If you have any of your own questions, why not email them to us at